Our Story

... Founded in 2022, we are at the forefront of digital entrepreneurship

Easy Peasy Business started as a humble two-person team in a small office. Together, they developed a system that automated administrative tasks, streamlining operations and making business processes easier to handle.

Word about Easy Peasy Business started to spread, attracting the attention of digital entrepreneurs. As more and more companies began utilizsng their services, their reputation grew. Their clientele included everything from local bakeries to tech startups, all benefiting from the innovative solutions provided by the company.

By 2024, Easy Peasy Business had grown tremendously, expanding its team and launching their digital marketing agency, Lemon Squeezy.

Today, Easy Peasy Business is a global entity, serving businesses in over 15 countries. They continue to innovate, constantly introducing new features and services to make business operations even more seamless. Despite its enormous growth, the company remains true to its original mission: to make business simple for all.


"I am going to bed this evening with 30 new clients signed up and I am super chuffed, grateful and proud. I wouldn't have got these sign ups over the weekend without Easy Peasy pushing me along"

- Carrie, The Science Booth -

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