Unlimited Tech & Design Tasks for Entrepreneurs

Get all your projects done with our unlimited plan - starting from £997 £497/mo!

We’re changing the way you run your business.

For one single monthly payment, you get access to a ready-made team of experts. We're talking funnel builders, graphic designers, tech VAs, copywriters, video editors, web developers, social media managers and much more.

With the support of Easy Peasy Business "Made Simple", you can focus on what you love to do. Such as, working with your clients, engaging with your audience, speaking on stage all whilst living a freedom lifestyle. What’s more, it’s designed to:

  • Replaces unreliable freelancers and expensive agencies for one flat monthly fee ...

  • Deliver designs so fast that it will blow your mind ...

  • Work with your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress ...

  • Easily manage your tech and design queue ...

  • Pay the same fixed price each month ...


Fix Your Tech & Design Bottleneck, Guaranteed

Simplify your business with unlimited tech and design requests for one single monthly payment to a team of experts for a fraction of the hassle and cost.


Submit Your Request

Our AI-powered request form makes support requests a breeze. Simply send over your to-do list, tell us what's the priority and we get it done for you.


Your Team Gets Started

We assign work immediately based on the requirements in your project. Enjoy same-day turnaround on certain projects with some plans.


Your Task Is Completed

And if it’s not perfect? No problem! Our platform makes revision feedback simple and concise. Plus, all of our plans include unlimited revisions.


Truth be told, you have a lot on your plate.

Our dedicated team of tech and design experts will take the pressure off.


What used to take many years to build your dream team of tech and design experts now just takes a matter of minutes.

Funnel & Website Updates

Need help to create an optin to generate leads, a quiz to nurture those relationships or a sales funnel to make sales. Our team are on hand to complete those tasks for you.

Schedule Emails

want to collect subscribers, strengthen customer relationships, automate workflows and monetise your audience? Awesome, we can help!

Build Workflows & Automations

Ready to automate your entire business with customised workflows to follow up with leads and sell while you sleep! Everything you want, we can help you to achieve!.

Schedule Social Media Content

Hate managing your social media? No problem, we will manage your social media, analytics and conversations all in one place! How cool is that?!

Course Setup

Love teaching but hate creating courses? Send over your request and our team will help to setup and complete your entire course buildout.

Migration & Integrations

Need help adding complicated integrations, Zaps or migrating from your existing platform to ours. Our experts will manage the entire process for you.

But wait... there's more!

We make looking good. Simple.

Incredible creative design for a fraction of the cost.


Imagine how great it would feel to have a design team who can create incredible graphics, captivating ads and premium landing pages.

Video Editing & Repurposing

We trim, splice, and enhance your videos to ensure they resonate with your targeted audience. Extend your reach, increase your brand visibility and boost ROI.

Social Media Graphics

Eye-catching, brand-aligned graphics that resonate with your audience and drive engagement. We ensure your messages stand out in crowded social media feeds.

Slide Deck Production

A great slide deck goes beyond just bullet points on a slide; it tells a compelling story, supports your message with impactful visuals, and keeps your audience engaged.

Webinar & VSL

Position your brand as an industry thought leader, strengthen relationships with your audience, and generate high-quality leads.

Landing Pages (built natively)

We design premium landing pages that align with your brand, resonate with your target audience, and drive them towards the desired action.

WordPress Pages (built natively)

Whether it's a dynamic homepage, a detailed product page, or an engaging blog post, we design your WordPress pages for both aesthetics and functionality.


From headlines and product descriptions to blog posts and email newsletters, we create compelling copy that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand.

Premium Design

Investing in premium design will set your business apart from your competition, showcasing your professionalism and commitment to quality.


Tech & Design Subscription Service

Get ready to take your business to the next level by partnering with Easy Peasy Business Made Simple.

Do you wish someone would just do your tech for you?

Does this sound like you?

  • You struggle with tech and feel overwhelmed at the thought of building your next funnel.

  • You’ve got lots of ideas but you can’t keep track of what you’ve got or what works

  • You don’t feel confident building automations, workflows or email campaigns.

  • You wish you could easily add order bumps and upsells to generate more revenue from your new and existing funnels.

  • You have lots of ideas but struggle to implement with your current tech knowledge.

  • You love having help and support but don't want to be reliant on a single person to help you.

And does anything creative give you the heebie-jeebies?

Does this sound like you?

  • You spend hours on Canva trying to create fancy graphics and designs for your social media.

  • You'd love to create more video content but you don't know how to create the premium captions and graphics like the top influencers online.

  • You need help to create stylish, premium design that you can easily re-style and add your own magic design touches to.

  • You’re ready to level up your funnel, design and branding as your grow your business.

  • You don’t feel confident designing funnels and you don’t know how to make them look great on desktop and mobile.

If this relates even just a little, Easy Peasy Business "Made Simple" is the perfect support package.


Tech & Design Subscription Service

Get ready to take your business to the next level by partnering with Easy Peasy Business Made Simple.

Do you wish someone would just do your tech for you?

Does this sound like you?

  • You struggle with tech and feel overwhelmed at the thought of building your next funnel.

  • You’ve got lots of ideas but you can’t keep track of what you’ve got or what works

  • You don’t feel confident building automations, workflows or email campaigns.

  • You wish you could easily add order bumps and upsells to generate more revenue from your new and existing funnels.

  • You have lots of ideas but struggle to implement with your current tech knowledge.

  • You love having help and support but don't want to be reliant on a single person to help you.

And does anything creative give you the heebie-jeebies?

Does this sound like you?

  • You spend hours on Canva trying to create fancy graphics and designs for your social media.

  • You'd love to create more video content but you don't know how to create the premium captions and graphics like the top influencers online.

  • You need help to create stylish, premium design that you can easily re-style and add your own magic design touches to.

  • You’re ready to level up your funnel, design and branding as your grow your business.

  • You don’t feel confident designing funnels and you don’t know how to make them look great on desktop and mobile.

If this relates even just a little, Easy Peasy Business "Made Simple" is the perfect support package.


Tech Made Simple

Design Made Simple

Business Made Simple


1 Subscription

Multiple Services

Made Simple

Made Simple

Tech Support Plan

  • 1 Active Ticket at a Time

  • Unlimited Requests Allowed

  • Funnel & Website Updates

  • Email Scheduling

  • Build Workflows & Automations

  • Schedule Social Media Content

  • Course & Membership Setup

  • Migration & 3rd Party Integration

  • Average 24 hour turnaround

No contracts - cancel anytime

Made Simple

Tech & Design Plan

  • Everything in the Tech Support Plan plus

  • Video & Reel Editing

  • Social Media Graphics

  • Slide Decks

  • WordPress Pages

  • Easy Peasy Funnel Pages

  • Go High Level Pages

  • Copywriting

  • Average 48 hour turnaround

No contracts - cancel anytime


Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time staff member?

Good question! For starters, the average cost of a UK based Tech VA is £35 per hour, plus VAT (and good luck finding one available). With just one hour of support a day, you are spending £1260 per month on a less then part-time member of staff. On top of that, you still need to hire a graphic designer, social media manager, funnel builder, copywriter and so much more. Which means you either spend big to hire experts, or save money for a master generalist who's pretty good at lots of things, but not brilliant at any one thing. With Easy Peasy Business Made Simple, you have access to a team of experts who specialise in one thing. That means you get expert support, cheaper then paying a tech VA.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

Once subscribed, you're able to add as many tech and design requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.

How fast will you complete my tasks?

On average, most requests are completed in just one day or less. However, more complex requests can take longer.

What will I receive in 48 hours?

Typical requests are delivered in 48 hours on average. This includes a brand concept, landing page, collection of social templates, etc. If a request is much larger in size, expect to receive deliverables every 24 hours until the entire request is complete.

Where are the team based?

Our tech and design experts are based all over the world to enable a 24/7 tech and design service. Our team work full-time for Easy peasy Business, so you can be assured you are working with people who are tested and vetted to our very high standards.

How does the pause feature work?

We understand you may not have enough tech and design work to fill up entire month. Perhaps you only have one or two design requests at the moment. That's where pausing your subscription comes in handy. Billing cycles are based on a calendar month. Let's say you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription. This means that the billing cycle will be paused and you'll have the remaining days of that month remaining to be used anytime in the future.

How do you handle larger requests?

Larger requests are broken down in to smaller projects. This applies to full-scale website or landing page designs, UI/UX work, etc. You should expect to receive a reasonable amount of work every 24-48 hours until the entire request is done.

What programs do you design in?

Most requests are designed using Figma or Adobe.

What software platforms do you build in?

We provide landing pages and websites for Easy Peasy Funnels, Go High Level and Wordpress.

What if i don't like the design?

No worries! We'll continue to revise the design until you're 100% satisfied.

Are there any refunds?

Due to the nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.


See if Easy Peasy is right for you. (It totally is.)

Get a guided tour through the Made Simple subscription, and find out how our

team can change the way you complete tech and design tasks, forever.

No contracts - cancel anytime

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